Ways To Wear Your Black Denim Jacket In Cool Weather

When the colder months approach, it starts to get way too uncomfortable to leave the house without some sort of jacket.

And if you’re not into the sporty or hoodie look, then your usual go-to is probably a denim jacket.

Ways To Wear Your Black Denim Jacket In Cool Weather

And, whereas in previous decades, denim was considered very casual clothing, things have changed over the years, and many of us, men in particular, often dress in denim when they want to look more upmarket.

But if you were to own just one denim jacket, I would 100% go for a black one over traditional denim. Or over any other color for that matter.

It’s an incredibly versatile piece of clothing that goes well with just about anything, whether casual or smart-casual.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that a black denim jacket is an essential piece of clothing. If you were going on holiday, you could pack it in your luggage, and it would match about 99% of your outfits.

In this article, I’m going to show you several ways to wear a denim jacket. You can probably already envisage how it would look with a lot of the items already in your wardrobe, but if you’re up for some more ideas, by all means read on!

Shortly after that, I will be taking the opportunity to answer all your most frequently asked questions on the subject.

Here goes!

Ways To Wear A Men’s Black Denim Jacket

Here’s some inspiration for you – different clothing items paired with your trusty black denim jacket!

Option 1: Black Denim Jacket With Blue Jeans

This look is quite the classic. Everyone has a pair of blue jeans in their closet, so putting a similar outfit together should be a breeze.

If you’re lucky enough to be young enough to pull the look off, you could go for ripped blue jeans that show a hint of flesh at the knee.

And the great thing about blue jeans is that they come in multiple styles. You can go for a regular straight leg style if you prefer. Or, if you have the legs for it, why not try a pair of skinny jeans?

Any color of blue jeans could be good, from a pale, pastel blue through to deep indigo blue.

By pairing the blue jeans with a different color jacket, it loses that denim-on-denim vibe that people try to avoid.

In the picture above, I like how the model wears turn-ups that really show off the Converse-style shoes.

And by pairing the jeans and jacket with a crisp white t-shirt, it really helps the model look more appealing.

Outfit 2: Nothing Sexier Than A Guy In All Black

You know what always goes well with black? More black!

Nothing looks hotter than a guy who’s dressed from top to toe in black, like some shady character from a movie – trust me!

By wearing your black denim jacket with some black trousers, black shoes and black tops you not only have a well put together outfit, but you can be sure to catch the attention of someone looking for a date.

And the great thing about this particular look is that you can adapt it to the particular weather conditions.

Where a black t-shirt underneath, and if you don’t think the jacket will keep you warm enough, you can also add another layer between the jacket and the t-shirt such as a black button-down shirt, which you could either wear open or do up.

Charcoal gray items of clothing also work well in this kinda combination, too.

Option 3: Black Denim Jacket With Beige Chinos

I just love this smart-casual look. Beige chinos always make you look very relaxed, which is perfect for setting up a nice ambience. It’s a good combo for a first date, if you don’t want to go all black.

In this photo, the model has the chinos turned up, but that’s not a strict must. Smart shoes however are, though they don’t have to be shiny and polished.

And it goes great with an unfussy t-shirt underneath. And you can roll the jacket sleeves up if you want to look particularly cool.

Option 4 Black Denim Jacket With A Checked Shirt

I just love this look – instead of a more generic jacket and jeans or jacket and chinos, it has a much cooler, Indie vibe. It’s a great way to add a splash of color to an outfit, without taking away from the overall aesthetic.

I like this look best with dark trousers or jeans in either black or gray. And I like it with a plain white t-shirt underneath, which you can either display with the shirt buttons open, or have the shirt buttons done up.

I would pair it with casual shoes, however, since smart ones would look out of place. And you can adapt the look by having the top button of the shirt done up for a more preppy vibe.

Option 5: Black Denim Jacket With A Turtleneck

If you’re finding it particularly cold, you might want to consider pairing your black denim jacket with a cozy looking turtleneck.

You could either go for a plain one, or perhaps a ribbed one like in the photo.

A coordinating color would be best, but you can go across the palette of blacks, white and grays. A deep black would make you look very smart and arty.

Gray is a little more laid back, whether it’s a charcoal gray or a lighter gray marl. But if you decide to go for a white turtleneck, be sure that it’s pristine and that you don’t get anything on it.

Option 6: Black Denim Jacket With A Hoodie

You can also wear your black denim jacket with a hoodie. Dark and muted color hoodies work best for this. And they go best with a good pair of suitably dark jeans, and some vans.

Answers To Your Most Frequently Asked Questions On Black Denim Jackets

Before we jump straight in, I just wanted to say that if you’re happy with what you’re wearing, don’t let anyone tell you that’s the wrong way to wear it. Everyone has a right to their own style.

The answers that follow these questions are merely my opinions, and they are to be used as a guide only.

What Can You Wear With A Black Denim Jacket?

The most common things men like to wear with black denim jackets are jeans (of various colors), shirts, sweatshirts (including both turtlenecks and hoodies), and t-shirts.

It can also be worn with smart or casual pants such as chinos, and it works well with casual shoes such as converse shoes.

The color of the items you wear with it doesn’t necessarily have to match, but they do need to coordinate.

What Color Jeans Go With A Black Denim Jacket?

I would recommend sticking with the usual contenders for complimenting jeans. Anything from black, gray, and navy through to mid and light blue should be fine.

But I’d recommend steering clear of white jeans, pastel jeans, or bright jeans. Muted stone wash colors are best.

Can You Wear A Black Denim Jacket With Black Jeans?

You can absolutely wear black denim with black jeans – it’s quite the look! If you’re worried about it looking too monotone, you can break the outfit up by adding a different color as a t-shirt, shirt, or jumper.

Can I Wear My Black Denim Jacket With My Office Suit?

A quick and easy way to transform your office outfit into one suitable for drinks after work, is simply to ditch the tie, and replace your blazer with a black denim jacket instead.

You will still look very smart, but the outfit will have a slightly more casual aesthetic that looks good in downtown wine bars and the like.

Wrap Up

So, to summarize, a black denim jacket is an essential item for any man’s wardrobe. It’s incredibly versatile, and you can use it to dress an outfit up or down. I hope I’ve inspired you and that you already have some outfits in mind that you want to wear.

June Pais